2021 Work All Europe SSB (Voice) Contest
Single Op. All Bands - Low Power.
September 11 & 12 (Setembro) - 2021
Radiocompetição em fonia, promovida pelo Clube de Radioamadores da Alemanha (DARC), onde o mundo contata a Europa, e os diferentes países europeus servem como multiplicadores (CT, I, PA...). Máximo de 36 horas dentro das 48 horas habituais.
Contest organizated by DARC Deutschland Amateur Radio Club, where world talks with Europe, and different european countries will be multipliers. Maximum of 36 hours.
A história dos QTC’s / Story
Participantes podem enviar “Mensagens” para estações européias, consistindo (por exemplo) nos dez últimos contatos. Se a contraparte copia tudo, são dez pontos a mais.
Participants can send “Messages/QTC” to European stations, consisting (for example) of the last ten contacts. If the counterpart copies everything, that's ten points more.
Em voz é legal - passei QTC’s em inglês, português, italiano e espanhol.
QTC’s by voice is cool, I sent some in English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.
Em 2020, minha presença, my presence:
534 QSO’s (contacts), 227 Mults, 236.000 points, Nr. 2 Brasil, Nr. 2 South America, Nr. 11 World.
Em 2021, preliminar(y):
422 QSO’s, 183 Mults, 151.000 points. - bad time!
11 Set / First 24 hours - 221 Q’s
12 Set / Last 24 hours - 196 Q’s
Declínio de 26% em relação a 2020, com bem menos multiplicadores (26% a menos).
26% less than 2020, with 26% less multipliers.
Finalizei 20 minutos antes.
Finish 20 minutes before the end.
Novo desafio, ruído elétrico de alta intensidade, permanente, durante todo o dia.
New challenge, QRN high level, 24 x 7.
Visual - bands use:
Off Times >= 30 Minutes, Sept 2021:
11: 0000Z - 11: 0010Z 00:11 (11 mins)
11: 0223Z - 11: 0913Z 06:51 (411 mins)
11: 1118Z - 11: 1211Z 00:54 (54 mins)
11: 1213Z - 11: 1244Z 00:32 (32 mins)
11: 1320Z - 11: 1403Z 00:44 (44 mins)
11: 1441Z - 11: 1516Z 00:36 (36 mins)
11: 1541Z - 11: 1620Z 00:40 (40 mins)
11: 1623Z - 11: 1912Z 02:50 (170 mins)
11: 2129Z - 11: 2202Z 00:34 (34 mins)
11: 2213Z - 12: 0909Z 10:57 (657 mins)
12: 1150Z - 12: 1425Z 02:36 (156 mins)
12: 1519Z - 12: 1631Z 01:13 (73 mins)
12: 1647Z - 12: 1804Z 01:18 (78 mins)
12: 2240Z - 12: 2340Z 01:01 (61 mins)
12: 2342Z - 12: 2359Z 00:17 (17 mins)
Total OFF 31h14min (1874 mins)
Total ON 16h46min (1006 mins)
PY2NY Max Rates, Sept 2021:
11: 1116Z - 7,0 /min (1 minute), 420 /hour
12: 1100Z - 3,3 /min (10 minutes), 198 /hour
12: 2018Z - 2,1 /min (60 minutes), 126 /hour
PY2NY Runs >10 QSOs, Sept 2021:
11: 0026 - 0148Z, 7099 kHz, 40 Qs, 29,2/hour
11: 0914 - 0945Z, 14208 kHz, 61 Qs, 116,4/hour
11: 0951 - 0953Z, 14207 kHz, 11 Qs, 311,8/hour
11: 0955 - 1008Z, 14208 kHz, 16 Qs, 71,4/hour
11: 1012 - 1015Z, 21255 kHz, 11 Qs, 194,1/hour
11: 1018 - 1622Z, 21240 kHz, 147 Qs, 24,2/hour
11: 1913 - 1938Z, 28471 kHz, 26 Qs, 62,0/hour
11: 1945 - 2036Z, 14202 kHz, 36 Qs, 42,5/hour
11: 2047 - 2049Z, 14196 kHz, 11 Qs, 309,4/hour
11: 2052 - 2104Z, 14204 kHz, 17 Qs, 82,7/hour
11: 2109 - 2110Z, 14254 kHz, 11 Qs, 425,8/hour
11: 2113 - 2115Z, 14166 kHz, 11 Qs, 302,3/hour
11: 2120 - 2122Z, 14285 kHz, 11 Qs, 302,3/hour
12: 0910 - 1000Z, 14203 kHz, 30 Qs, 36,1/hour
12: 1004 - 1113Z, 21233 kHz, 119 Qs, 103,7/hour
12: 1131 - 1149Z, 21233 kHz, 13 Qs, 43,1/hour
12: 1426 - 1500Z, 21235 kHz, 38 Qs, 67,3/hour
12: 1632 - 1646Z, 21265 kHz, 16 Qs, 66,0/hour
12: 1805 - 1835Z, 21235 kHz, 20 Qs, 39,4/hour
12: 1851 - 1949Z, 14189 kHz, 80 Qs, 83,5/hour
12: 1952 - 2030Z, 14189 kHz, 67 Qs, 104,8/hour
Informação Técnica / Tech Info
- Single Op, All Bands - Low Power.
- Yaesu FT 1000 MP - MKV Field.
- Ant. KLM KT34XA triband yagi, 22m high, 10-15-20m; CushCraft 40-2CD 2el yagi to 40m, 25m high.
- Software N1MM+ and app DXMaps, PSKreporter (online propagation).
- Controller Microham MK2R+, Micro Band Decoders.
- Vinhos, Wine: Rosé Prosecco Garibaldi (Rio Grande do Sul).