26 de outubro de 2006

Finally, WW SSB is near...

  1. This is a copy of previous e-mail... Would like to have time and put more info... Two radios will be FT-1000-mp MKV Field. Amplifier (only one) will be Alpha 91B. Six el Triband is KT34XA from KLM and three el triband yagi for mult station is 3DX3 from Electril (PY); two el 40-2CD on 40m from CushCraft. Computers on network using N1MM 6.10.10, working correctly from today morning hi hi.
  2. We will have M/S too, but a "poor"one hi hi PY2AA here in Jaboticabal, more noise, more QRN, no bandpass filters... 6 el 10/15/20 @22m; 2 el 40 @25m;1/4 sloper 80/160... No RX antennas, and N1MM with no network until now hi hi hi...
  3. Operators are out of radio (not me) last 5 years andtraining with K5ZD MP3 files !! We will try to do morethan 3.400 QSOs, our 2001 mark using same callsign here, from my house... PT2AW, PY2DEZ, PY2NY, and PY2APQ will be 48 hours on the air, M/S, 500w running station. PU2VYT my wife (Ana) will try to call some times and will help us to improve our old record hi hi hi...
  4. Like always will be a big party, and we know now that we need to beat ZY7C - impossible !!! hi hi hi... See you soon, guys. Nice to see a new message at WRTC reflector and to know that we will have more Multi Stations than ever at WW !!73 de PY2NY (1/5 of PY2AA, 1/2 of PT5X)

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