2 de maio de 2006

Hartford Wines - Nice answer...

Mais um ótimo atendimento. Desta vez, trata-se da Hartford Wines, Califórnia, USA. Fiz alguns questionamentos a respeito do Pinot Noir 1998 e eles foram muito gentis ao responder. Quando tive dúvidas com o Zinfandel, eles também foram muito atenciosos. A má notícia é que as duas garrafas já se foram, e a segunda delas, muito melhor aproveitada. Eis aí o mapa dos vinhedos da Hartford, na Califórnia.

My message to them (minha mensagem a eles).
Well, it's me again. You had chance in the past answering my messages about Zinfandel 1999 Russian Valley. After that, I did new research about Hartford wines and bought 2 bottles of your 1998 Pinot Noir Hartford Court Sonoma Coast Jennifers. I would like to receive any kind of information about this wine, especially peak time (how many years can still be on the cellar?), evaluations (WS, WA, etc) and regular prices on the market. Here on Brasil, US$ XX paid, per bottle. Seems to be a good price, and I know where can take another 2 bottles... Well, sorry writing so much! Thank you again – Vitor

Hi Vitor,
Regarding your questions on the 1998 Jennifer's Pinot Noir, I think now is a good time to drink this wine. I expect you will like it a lot, and if you do, you can then go and buy the other two bottles. We were selling those bottles for $XX here at the winery, and so if you can get them with bottle age for the same price you are doing well. That tends to be a denser, longer lived wine than most pinots. I no longer have any info on this wine as far as scores etc., or at least I can't find any, sorry. Hope this helps, Cheers.
Rich Eliason
Tasting Room Host
Hartford Family Wines
(707) 887-1756

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